LET op! Dubbel klik op de linkjes en vervang de URL voor: link naar klantportaal {special.consumerportal_url} link wachtwoord instellen {dossier.links_set_password}
You have requested a new password for your personal portal. You will find your username and a personal link to reactivate your personal.
The activation link will remain valid for 48 hours. In case you are not able to set a password within this time, please follow the link and choose ‘Forgot password’. You will automatically receive a link to set a new password.
{dossier.salutation},<br /> <br /> You have requested a new password for your<a href="http://{special.consumerportal_url}"> personal portal</a>. You will find your username and a personal link to reactivate your personal.<br /> <br /> {dossier.links_set_password_formatted}<br /> <br /> <em>The activation link will remain valid for 48 hours. In case you are not able to set a password within this time, please follow the link and choose ‘Forgot password’. You will automatically receive a link to set a new password.</em><br /> <br /> {dossier.owner_email_signature}