LET op! Dubbel klik op de linkjes en vervang de URL voor: link naar klantportaal {special.consumerportal_url} link wachtwoord instellen {dossier.links_set_password}
Congratulations! Your mortgage request has been approved by {mortgage.lender_name}. {mortgage.lender_name} has made the definitive agreement. After a thorough check, {dossier.advisor_name} has published the agreement on your personal portal.
Make sure to read this agreement well. In case you do not have questions, sign the indicated areas. You can hand in the signed agreement at our office or scan it and upload it to your portal. If you do have questions, please reach out to us.
Next steps?
After receiving the signed agreement, {mortgage.lender_name} will send all required information regarding your mortgage to your notary. In the days prior to your appointment with the notary, you will receive a draft version of your mortgage deed and a memorandum of settlement from the notary. We will receive a copy of these documents and will also check the information. Do you have questions about the mortgage deed or memorandum of settlement? Make sure to reach out to us shortly.
{dossier.salutation}<br />
<br />
Congratulations! Your mortgage request has been approved by {mortgage.lender_name}. {mortgage.lender_name} has made the definitive agreement. After a thorough check, {dossier.advisor_name} has published the agreement on your <a href="{special.consumerportal_url}">personal portal</a>.<br />
<br />
Make sure to read this agreement well. In case you do not have questions, sign the indicated areas. You can hand in the signed agreement at our office or scan it and upload it to your <a href="{special.consumerportal_url}">personal portal</a>. If you do have questions, please reach out to us.<br />
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<strong>Next steps?</strong><br />
<br />
After receiving the signed agreement, {mortgage.lender_name} will send all required information regarding your mortgage to your notary. In the days prior to your appointment with the notary, you will receive a draft version of your mortgage deed and a memorandum of settlement from the notary. We will receive a copy of these documents and will also check the information. Do you have questions about the mortgage deed or memorandum of settlement? Make sure to reach out to us shortly.<br />
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